Where the Good Vibes Are

You will shift many times... I pray that you’ll accept every version of yourself.
— Iya Ehime Ora

As we closed out 2021 and entered a year anew, I was also celebrating my own personal solar return. As people asked me how I was feeling about getting a year older, or celebrating the end of yet another WTH was that type of year, all that came to mind was… I am going where the vibe takes me.

Simply put, I didn’t have some quippy summary of what 2021 taught me (although I did learn some things), nor do I have some succinct rundown of what I want from 2022. I’ve decided that’s a pressure I have no desire to place on myself. I have goals of course, but I’m going to be flexible with some of the timelines because many of the deadlines we give ourselves are arbitrary. But what shouldn’t be arbitrary is prioritizing how we feel. So to rundown some of what I am prioritizing this year…

Brit on a boat in a yellow matching set.

An Uplifted Life

A renewed focus on intentional reflection and exploration of my creative passions.

Mental Motivations


My journey back to therapy has been years in the making. While COVID and several career and subsequent insurance changes certainly played a part in the delay, I can also admit my own anxiety has played a role in my hesitancy to jump back in. Therapy requires a level of personal honesty that is not for the faint of heart. Furthermore, it requires a therapist that can truly be your partner in growth. I knew that when I did go back, I wanted someone fully equipped to deal with a black woman facing the challenges of fluctuating anxiety, significant personal life changes, and of course the elephant in all of our rooms, GLOBAL UPHEAVAL DUE TO A PANDEMIC AND CIVIL UNREST.

I have been researching therapists for about the last 6 or so months and I’m happy to report that I have several first dates aka consultations lined up for this month. I’m nervous, but also excited because they are all black women, which is a feat in the world of therapy! I found the following platforms to be helpful during my search and of course I’m sharing because like Beyonce, I CARE.

Meditation & Yoga

While I wrapped up last year having gotten back into a workout routine with a great trainer, I fell off my mental and physical workouts of yoga and meditation. During moments of high stress, or emotional upheaval, both have helped to calm me, but it’s easy to forget to make these things a regular habit. But I’m recommitting to the things that make me feel good. It’s my plan to do both at least once a week. Some of my favorite channels and apps are below;

Creative Cultivation

Writing Classes

I have been talking to myself, and a few friends for a while about my interest in more creative work. Even just for fun. So I’ve done more research (you can take the girl out of grad school but alas…) and found a few comedic, drama, and production classes I will be enrolling in. I can’t promise I’ll be sharing the outcomes of my class experience in great detail, but I do want to encourage anyone reading this to try something new! If you’re curious about something, check it out. The worst that can happen? You don’t like it and move on, but trying is a big part of the fun and enjoyment we are given in this life.

Blogging Expansion

It is coming! As mentioned in the last blog, I am still VERY excited about the on-camera interviews I’m cooking up with some very cool and intriguing people that are on the way. What I’m looking forward to most is truly elevating Brit Be Living to both a lifestyle AND culture blog. There are so many people doing very cool things and I’m just happy a few are willing to chat with me :-). Again, stay tuned!

And I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to reflect back on my actual birthday getaway. We deserve true moments of rest and rejuvenation and I gifted myself just that, along with the special people that joined me. I saw the sun and the sun saw me! Here’s to more of what feeds us from the inside out this year and on.


Brit Be Living Feat. Dilla the Urban Historian


Dancing in December